A little bit about me

In a word full of disposable media and lack of representation in many areas, I focus on making a lasting, meaningful, and positive impact on our world.

I’m on a mission to share the best events and businesses with a local, ethical, and sustainable focus. I’m also passionate about gender diversity and slow fashion.

The stories which arise from something made and created with heart and soul is what makes you realise that there are real people behind what we wear, eat, and own. 

As someone who is both queer and culturally and linguistically diverse, I know what it feels like to be an outlier. I tell my stories and empower people using a diverse and inclusive lens, so you and your business can make a positive impact on our world and reach your audiences.

If you’re a creative or local business looking for more impactful content or wanting to be your authentic self, let’s start a journey together

Much love,

Mish (she/her)