FASHION 4 PASSION - Adelaide Fringe Review

Listen up my fellow fashionistas, if you have a passion for fashion, then Samantha LeClaire and Jennifer Laycock (Jen and Sam, aka Jam) have a darn funny show for you.

FASHION 4 PASSION is a sketch comedy which tackles the fast fashion industry head on (quite literally) and unpacks influencer culture and fast fashion, with the added silly chaos and utter randomness of the duo’s comedic mannerisms along the way. 

With their undeniable passion for fashion, an explosion of 90's, Y2K, and Gen Z pop culture references transpire throughout the show, with the use of TikTok fashion references to transition between each segment being the most prevalent. 

Honestly, you’d be mistaken to think that this isn’t actually a tribute to Clueless or Mean Girls in the opening segments, due to the petty drama and name-calling between Jen and Sam. 

Through song and grotesque dances and moves, the duo take the audience through their year 12 drama class and formal, what they’d wear in various situations and occasions, being exposed and cancelled, and ultimately finding the light at the end of their clothes rack.

One cannot dedicate an ode to fast fashion in an Australian context without paying respect to the undisputed queen, Supre. So much so that Jen and Sam took it upon themselves to make their very own iconic one of one Supre tote bag, as they no longer exist. 

Jen and Sam bring to light some of the important and non-transparent aspects of the fast fashion industry, such as sweatshop labour, sustainability, and token feminism. 

In particular, there’s a skit which brings the issue of sweatshop labour to the forefront, and in the moment you’ll laugh uncontrollably, but also have a moral crisis at the same time about whether your clothes were made with child and/or slave labour. 

Proceeding to expose the tokenistic and surface-level advice promoted by social media influencers, Jen and Sam partner up to launch their own clothing brand, only to expose and cancel themselves during the process. This is an iconic part of the show if you’re into slow fashion, and if you’re not into the movement yet, you will surely be afterwards. 

Finally, the duo take on a well-renowned global fast fashion chain head-on, pulling it apart layer by layer until their souls (and wardrobes) are reborn and rid of their disposable ways. 

The over-exaggerated chaotic and spontaneous acts performed by Jen and Sam give off major look at me in-your-face vibes, and you won’t be able to turn away at any moment. Contrary to the show’s title however, there aren’t as many outfit changes as you might expect, but rather, it’s more of a metaphorical message they’re trying to send about fast fashion. 

The duo have created a show which will make you giggle many times and also take home a message to empower you to question the entire fast fashion industry. Put quite simply, it's a comedy show with social impact for your own wardrobe.

Rating: ★★★★1/2

Show information: FASHION 4 PASSION - Adelaide Fringe 


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